
International Village is our biggest event. It happens once a semester and it’s full of dancing, singing, cool information and most importantly – FOOD.

International Village (IV) is a chance to share your culture and heritage with lots of like-minded people. This event is opened for students, teachers and public! You have been discovering and learning about Slovakia for a whole semester and IV is your chance to teach others about YOUR culture and customs.

When? 4th of April 2023 at 16:00
Where? The Town Hall (city centre)

How to join?
Ask your Buddy to connect you with the contact person for your country. Don’t forget to bring along all your friends!
(Are you the only one from your country in Banská? No problem, we are more than willing to help!)

All the participants and guests will vote for the best country and you can win some cool prizes!

What to prepare?

  • A presentation about your country (max 10 minutes), a slide show, a traditional dance, song, poetry, whatever you want to present to us! (Please no videos and no kahoot quizzes) The more original the better!
  • Traditional dish – it doesn’t have to be the most famous one, something you can easily cook at the dorm and that can be served in smaller portions to a lot of people! (it can be soup, main dish, dessert – whatever you can cook)

Bring your flag! (if you don’t have one here, we can provide you with one)

ESN will help you cover a portion of the expenses regarding ingredients!

!Alcohol and alcoholic beverages are prohibited!

Want to see what it looks like?
Head to our IG highlights and Facebook to see what it’s all about!

04/04/2023 - 16:00
  • Everyone is invited.